The Beer Bitch

I drink beer. I am a bitch.

Archive for June 2009

Not up to much lately

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Sean and I have been really busy lately… beer fests… work…visitors…etc. So I haven’t made any time for the blog lately, but I should. I live in a beautiful place, summer is almost here, and I have things to say and pictures to post. Also, I might be starting a new job soon, which means my weekends would be free for project cooking. My favorite.

So for now, check out the bagels I’ve been making on my days off.

Salt Bagels

Salt Bagels

They were delicious with curried chicken salad. Roast chicken breasts. Shred. Mix up with diced red onion, diced celery, chopped almonds, chopped dried cranberries, a small glob of mayo, salt, pepper, curry powder and cilantro. That was a good lunch.

A tasty lunch.

A tasty lunch.

Also, there was a hot air balloon flying over the vineyards the other morning. It pretty much rocks to live here.

Hot air balloon over the vineyards. This is the view from our front porch.

Hot air balloon over the vineyards. This is the view from our front porch.

Written by thebeerbitch

June 10, 2009 at 1:28 am