The Beer Bitch

I drink beer. I am a bitch.

Posts Tagged ‘Vegetables

Veggie Faux-sotto

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I’d like to tell you all we had another fattening and yummy dinner last night, but we didn’t. *sigh*

Instead I made a fake risotto, using the Harvest Grain mix from Trader Joe’s, some yellow cauliflower, garlic, onions, brown mushrooms, and finished with spinach. Also very large salads with beets, goat cheese, dill, parsley and mixed salad greens.

It was pretty tasty but Sean told me not to take any pictures. He probably doesn’t want to give off the impression that we eat too healthy. This blog has a reputation for debauchery to uphold!

We did have a little conversation that went like this though:

Yesterday morning around 7 AM:

Sean: Oh noes. I feel like shit.

Sarah: Me too.

Sean: We should never drink wine after drinking a bunch of beers again.

Sarah: Agreed.

Later that night, after coming home from Firestone Walker at about 7 PM:

Sean: What wine do you wanna drink tonight?

Sarah: Maybe the pink one.

Sean: That’s a good place to start.

Heh. Some people never learn. Those people would be us.

Please note though: the pink wine was a lovely GSM Rose, not White Zin. Not that there’s anything wrong with White Zin. Mom.

So, tonight we start on the extravaganza that I would like to call Cinco de Mayo. I love holidays centered around food and alcohol. None of that made up shit, like Jesus based holidays. Those ones suck.

So, hopefully there will be more tasty cheese-filled pictures later.

Written by thebeerbitch

May 1, 2008 at 8:05 pm

Posted in Drunken ramblings

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