The Beer Bitch

I drink beer. I am a bitch.

Posts Tagged ‘Leeks

I’m back.

with 2 comments

Unexpectedly, I ended up with today off work.

So, I decided I was going to do some serious cooking.  First on my list was a loaf of wheat bread.  I keep telling myself it’s fall, and time to bake bread again.  The 90+ temps outside seem to be disagreeing with me, but the bread made a pretty tasty tuna sandwich all the same.

Afterward, I made a beautiful leek tart.  You can find the recipe here. If you’re not familiar with the work of Orangette, you should read her story too.  Miss Molly is warm, friendly, and exuberant about food.  I’ve fallen in love with almost every recipe of hers I’ve ever made (save for that one onion pasta dish.)  The only change I made was using parmigiano reggiano instead of aged goat cheese, which I always find too pungent when baked. Set aside some time for this one.  It took me hours to get through all the steps what with the leek confit, the dough resting, then the blind bake, and finally the tart goes in the oven.

This tart has dinner written all over it.  But, for now, it’s almost 4:20!!! woot.  Which I believe in some Latin cultures means “It’s time for a beer.”  That’s what it means, right?

We’ll be back soon with more STUFF.

Written by thebeerbitch

September 30, 2008 at 11:24 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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